
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Taman Mini Indonesia Tour and Caping Gunung Restaurant Jakarta, Indonesia Series 11

Taman Mini Indonesia Tour 
Binge Eating at Caping Gunung Restaurant   
(Jakarta, Indonesia Series 11)


It was our penultimate day in Jakarta and we were
scheduled for a Taman Mini tour after attending
the morning sessions of my convention.

I met up with my family at the Ritz Carlton Hotel
to join a group of doctors who booked for this tour.

Just like our city tour a day before, it also rained
very hard on our way to Taman Mini Indonesia.

It was still raining when we arrived in Taman Mini
so the tour guide asked the driver to drive around
so we could tour massive the park inside the bus.

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah or
"Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park"  

is a culture-based theme park area
located in East Jakarta, Indonesia. 


The park is a summation of Indonesian culture,
of Indonesia's more than 20 provinces represented
in separate pavilions with the depicting Indonesian
architecture, clothing, dances and traditions.

Indonesia is a very diverse country and the world’s
biggest archipelago and the park gives the tourists
like us the chance to see and visit the whole country
in one day thru Taman Mini Indonesia.


The park displays the various flora and fauna,
important landmarks, native architecture culture
and tradition  of the different places in Indonesia.

This tour would have been the highlight of our trip to this
culturally rich country, but the rain literally stranded
us to our seats inside the bus  so we had just to satisfy
ourselves watching the beautiful park at a distance.

There was a moment that the rain subsided,
so we ran out of the bus to take advantage
of the temporarily good weather,

…and visited some of the beautiful exhibits at the area
that represents the  Sumatra Region of the park.

...that was the only time that we got to see
the beautiful exhibits up close and we took
the chance to take photos for keepsake.

Pretty soon, it was raining again, so we returned
to the bus and explored the park from a distance


The rain stopped when we arrived in Taman Mini
so we alighted from the bus to explore the park.

Suddenly it rained hard and we took shelter at the
 nearby Caping Gunung Restaurant

...and it was a perfect place eat our lunch and enjoy 
 Indonesian cuisine on a cold and wet rainy weather.


Our meal started with a very delicious
Soto Ayam Nasi or Traditional Chicken Soup
that tasted more our very own native tinola
but more tangy and spicy making it a perfect
comfort food for the cold and rainy weather.

We had our all time favorite dish
Ikan Asam Manis or Sweet and Sour Fish
and this Caping Gunung version is made
of yummy crispy breaded fried fish fillet and
topped with thick sweet and sour sauce.


We could never get enough of this unique and tasty
 Ayam Goreng  or Traditional Fried Chicken as
unlike its western counterpart, this Indonesian
chicken dish is so luscious and spicy that
is very hard to resist especially to Bicolanos
like our family who are used to spicy food.

The Bakmic Kawa or Javanese Noodle,
had a coarse texture compared to regular
rice noodles and it tasted so good and with
all the condiments  added into it, this could
be considered as a full dish on its own.


The very delicious Sapi Ladah Hitam or
Black Pepper Beef was very delicious and it was
made of thin slices of tender beef and topped with
fresh and crispy stir fried vegetables.

The best dish we ever had so far in this restaurant is
Ayam Cah Jamur  or Stir Fried Chicken with Mushroom.
This dish is so good and made of nugget sized, tender
chicken meat, tofu medallions and fresh veggies.
I recommend this as a must try dish in this restaurant.

The Fu Yung Hai or Chinese Omelet piqued
our curiosity as this was the first time that I heard
about a Chinese version of an omelet. We wanted
to know the difference- but there was none. It looked
and tasted just like any other versions of omelet,
a little bit on the sweet side, but otherwise still very tasty.


We concluded pour meal with a
fresh Tropical Fruit Platter.

We may not had the chance to visit everything
because of the rain in Taman Mini Indonesia

...but the sumptuous feast of Indonesian dishes
at the Caping Gunung Restaurant made our visit
to this popular tourist destination worthwhile.

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