
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Naga City to Tugawe Cove, Caramoan: Scenic Road Trip, Pleasant Boat Ride

Naga City  to Tugawe Cove, Caramoan 
Scenic Road Trip, Pleasant Boat Ride
Caramoan Series 1 

After so much wheedling
and uncountable persuasions,

…I finally convinced my thalassophobic wife
 to travel to Caramoan for a weekend in an 
isolated island getaway that is Tugawe Cove.

We woke up early Friday morning
for about an hour land trip from Naga City

…to Partido Area in San Jose,


 ...where we would be fetched
by  a private boat owned
by the Tugawe Cove,

...where we were booked for a three days
two nights weekend vacation.

There were about twelve 
of us who boarded the boat


…and we were met by the hotel’s shift manager
and a lady butler who informed us that the
sea was calm and we would be traveling by boat
to Caramoan for about 2 to 3 hours.

We left the port immediately after boarding
 and we were in  for the two to three hours
scenic boat ride to Tugawe Cove.

According to the hotel’s shift manager,
the resort is apparently off peak as peak season
starts from November and ends in June
where the resort is filled to the brim.

It was the last week of June and the beginning
of lean months in most Philippine resorts.

Good- for us, we would be able to enjoy the
place without so much noise and crowd.


The boat trip to Caramoan was pleasurable
and one would thought that we are in Albay
as the view of the beautiful Mt. Mayon looms
from the beginning to the end of our journey.

We also passed by the very popular and beautiful
Aguirangan Island and we were almost tempted
to stop and enjoy the island for a while.


The sea was calm, and the view was great.

The kids later got bored in their seats
and decided to join us on the deck
to enjoy the magnificent view.


We passed by seaside communities
located isolated coves and islands,

…breathtaking mountains
and lush forests,

…fishermen in small boats,

..small passenger boats,

… stunning vast pastures and meadows
on picturesque mountain slopes.

It was a long peaceful ride that some of
the guests have dosed  off to dreamland.

After a while, the kids also got bored
that they entertained themselves
watching the waves and the ripples of water
created by the boat .


We still have about an hour to travel
'Caramaon Peninsula is that small blue silouhette
sticking out into the sea'- said our guide.

I suggested that the resort should provide
some kind of entertainment for this long
boat ride to fight boredom.


I even proposed a TV showing
Survivor Episodes shot in Caramoan.

After a long ennui and lethargy on the trip,
the resort butler informed us that Caramoan
is already visible right in front the boat…

…and the Peninsula sticks like a giant
green thumb out to the sea  while the huge
blue silhouette of the island province
of Catanduanes looms on the horizon.

She also identified the Guijalo Port,
the main gateway to Caramoan town center-
but she said we are docking directly
to Tugawe Cove Resort.

The resort is right behind the peninsula’s
promontory which is the tipmost part of Caramoan
and directly infront of  Sombrero island.


…as the boat maneuvered  towards 
the other side of the land outcrop,  

....we finally caught 
a glimpse of Tugawe Cove.

There it was- a piece of paradise on earth  
glimmering  like a jewel  in the middle  
of the beautiful turquoise sea.

We all watched with abated breaths  
as the sight of this gem of paradise 
 became closer and closer…

 As the boat was getting closer to the shore,
we were awed by the sight of the gorgeous white sand beach
amidst a clear turquoise sea and the beautiful coral reefs
and teeming with sea life all visible from the boat.

We were welcomed by the staff at the seaside
Where they served delicious welcome drinks .


The beauty of the place is indescribable.

Set amidst a virgin rainforest,
I think this is the only place on earth
 where you can see a fresh water lake on one side,

..and the beautiful beach on the other side.

A lake side and a seaside sharing the same
white sand beach that serves as a sandbar.
that stretches to the other side of the cove.

We took the chance to take some photos .

And we cannot shake off the overwhelming
excitement of being in a beautiful isolated peninsula
surrounded by nothing but the indescribable
magnificent splendor of Mother Nature.

Some guests were wondering where the hotel was
as we see it nothing but the sea, the lake
The mountains and the rain forest.
 Are we sleeping in tents? Some asked jokingly.

Tugawe Cove cabanas are almost built invisibly
in the forest, so you see nothing at all .

But by the time you dock and pass by the inland
algae lake, the cabanas become visible and they
blended naturally with the tropical flora and fauna.

The forests, the mountains, the lake and the sea,


They are all here in Tugawe Cove.

If there is heaven on earth-
then this must be it.

After the long almost three hours travel

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