
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hello, EndoLogistics (EndoLx)- Goodbye, Endolab SM

Hello, EndoLogistics (EndoLx)
Goodbye, Endolab SM 

For the past four years, the Endolab existed as the
only medical laboratory facility in SM City Naga,

...and also served as my clinic every
Tuesday and Saturday since 2009.

After four years of existence we decided to expand
our services from plain medical and hormone laboratory
to include a broader medical imaging services, 


...and to rename it to EndoLogistics (or EndoLx),
an imaging division of Naga Endocrine Laboratory,
rather just  being a branch of the Endolab Plaza Medica.

The new set up of Naga Endocrine Laboratory
 having  two divisions, the original Endolab Plaza Medica
serving as the laboratory services division,



...and the new EndoLogistics (or EndoLx),
the medical imaging services division.

We initally intended to convert Endolab SM CIty Naga,
to EndoLogistics and had already prepared the transition. 

Last October, we were told by the PNRI
(Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) that we
would be needing additional 3 meters in the
present  Endolab SM, for us to be given a licence
and permit to operate the new EndoLx.

Since there is no more available additional space
in SM City Naga, we decided to transfer the new
EndoLx to Plaza Medica as it would provide us
the additional bigger space required by the PNRI.



So on January 31, we would finally closing
the Endolab SM City Naga, one of the pioneer
tenants of SM Naga when it opened in 2009
which we would surely and sorely miss- after more than four years in being in the first and only
SM City Naga in the Bicol Region, was a great privilege for
us to operate as the only medical laboratory facility in the mall.


But we have to  move on and look forward
to a bigger, better, broader and an upgraded
 Naga Endocrine Laboratory’s EndoLx or
EndoLogistics in Plaza Medica,

.. it would be located at the rear end of the second floor
of the front wing of Plaza Medica, formerly occupied
by LifePlus Mammography  that moved
 to Bicol Access Health Centrum few years ago.    

With the closure of Endolab SM of  we are moving on 
and looking forward to a bigger, better, broader and an
 upgraded Naga Endocrine Laboratory’s EndoLx 
or EndoLogistics in Plaza Medica,

.. just in close proximity to the original   Endolab,


...located at the second floor of 
the rear wing of the same building.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Power Of Prevention Through Fitness and Nutrition: Pili Central School

Pili Central School, Camarines Sur 
AACE’s Power Of Prevention Through Fitness and Nutrition
Stray, Play and Feast


The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE),
Philippine Chapter has been straying outside its urban comfort zone
by holding our Power Of Prevention Through Fitness and Nutrition
in the provinces and Pili, Central School, was our latest destination.


Power Of Prevention Through Fitness and Nutrition
is a whole day program meant to educate grade 5 students
about healthy lifestyle, by eating right and exercising regularly.

The AACE initially intended to hold  the activity in one
of Naga City's biggest elementary schools but the principal 
did not show any  interest with the proposal, citing several reasons
 ranging from absence of venue, to being very pre occupied 
and the students and faculty not having enough time.


So we directed our interests to Pili Central School where
the school principal understood the importance of the
 activity and gave her full support to the association.


We arrived early at the venue,


.... to prepare for the program,


…and saw several students practicing for the cheering
competition which was a part of the fitness program for the girls.

The program started early for the morning session of about 300
students (an afternoon session would also be done with 
another  batch of almost the same number of students),

 ...and they were given a pre test to asses 
their knowledge about health and nutrition.

Lectures about health, nutrition 
and fitness followed,

…and they were taught to identify healthy food by learning how 
read and be conscious of the nutritional labels on food products,


…and rewarded with goodies and school supplies to those
who are actively participating an reciting during the lecture.


After the lecture, we also had some physical activity program
like a basketball dribbling relay race for boys and the
winners were rewarded generously with school supplies.


The girls also had a cheering competition, and did very well.

They even composed an original cheer about healthy lifestyle which
was an essential part of the cheer as it is included in the judging.

The winners were given cash prizes 
to compensate for their efforts.


An Avenue Plaza Hotel’s Olympia Gym Fitness Trainor
 was also hired, who conducted group dancing exercises, the delight of the students and the teachers 
who all gamely joined the dancing.


For me, this was the best part- as the kids were asked
to cook original healthy low calorie dessert recipes,

…where the winner would be given cash prizeand the 
winning recipe would be included as an official entry to
the national  contest of various regional winners from all
parts of the Philippines where the AACE  activity was held.

The entrees surprised us as we did not expect so many
potential future brilliant future chefs in this public school.

Tangkwa na may Pinya 

Gelatin with Mango and Carrot extract 

Pumpkin Jelly

Baked Squash with Pili Nuts 

Orange Peel with Dessicated Coconut

Caramelized Banana with Vanilla


The talented junior Chefs were asked
to explain their culinary masterpieces ,

…while we judged the taste testing division,
the calorie counting side would be judged
by Manila based AACE accredited dieticians.

The Pili Central School faculty also
prepared  some native goodies for us,

…like Pancit Bihon,

…and Ibos.

We were humbled by their kindness,
cooperation and generosity.


The kids were later given post- visit tests to assess
 whatever they learned  from the activity.


After the occasion,
they  were given snacks,

… and tokens of souvenirs that would remind them of
being a part of this health education program,

… and with the hope that whatever they learned
 should be applied on their daily lives.

The AACE Philippines team has been going around
the country for this health and fitness education mission,

...and it feels good being a part 
of this worthwhile activity.